Is Nourishment For the Soul worth


The short answer is “absolutely”, my spiritual teachings are a source of food for the soul.     They free  your mind of fears that prevent you from living the life you truly desire to live, one with happiness and peace.  These understandings and teachings help to rearrange old concepts & beliefs that block and prevent you from opening the doors of abundance and love. The revelations that comes forward from these teachings set off “light bulbs” for many.  I love watching the faces of my clients as they suddenly have a flash of clarity . Their face brightens and I feel their pain fading away.  The comments are always the same “ I feel so much better now” and their load is lightened.

“Trust this food for the soul is being blessed and shared with great love, wisdom and understanding from the divinity.” Angel Blessings, Catherine May Smith.

Abundance Coaching Session


Catherine has successfully completed an Advanced Diploma in Financial Planning, Associate Diploma in Accounting, as well as being a Master Practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). Catherine is an Energy Healer, obtaining Certificates in Reiki & Pranic Healing, Hypnotherapy and Time Line Therapy and has also completed an Angel Intuitive Communication Certification with World renowned Author Master and Teacher Doreen Virtue Ph.D.  She has had various articles published  in the Nova Magazine.