Energy Healing is the Self-Healing Capacity of the Body

Energy healing promotes healing by enhancing energy flow and correcting disturbances in the “human energy field” or “aura” which permeates and surrounds the body. Improving the flow of energy in the energy field supports the self-healing capacity of the body.

Currently, there is a kind of revival of ancient understandings about energy healing in the light of modern science. “Laying on of hands”, which appeared in many times and cultures, is being rediscovered and formulated into healing techniques.  There are also more and more people who are spontaneously becoming aware of healing “gifts”.

Energy Healing Works Directly with the Energy Level of Life

Since everything is energy, all healing ultimately involves energy. Most healing methods are focused on the physical, mental and emotional levels of life, without recognition of the deeper underlying energy. Energy healing works purely with the energetic level of our being. Since everything is made up of patterns of energy, working directly with energy influences the physical, mental and emotional, as well as the spiritual level. Energy healing is thus by nature “holistic”.

Just as we have a physical anatomy, we have also have an “energy anatomy”. The human energy field or “aura” surrounds and permeates the physical body. The physical body could be thought of as the densest expression of the energy, and as only one of a number of bodies, which comprise our energy anatomy. We also have “subtle bodies”, which are sometimes referred to as the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.

There are a variety of descriptions and images of the energy field from both ancient and modern sources. There are variations in these models, but many describe the aura as being in layers. Many, though not all, emphasize the importance of the chakras, which are energy centres where important exchanges of energy take place. Energy healing effects change by positively influencing the energy field.

What to Expect When Receiving Healing Energy

I am intuitively guided when it is time for me to provide an Energy Healing, I am told as my hands heat up when my guides wish me to provide an energy healing.   Many clients report the intense heat resinating from my hands, some feel the energy surges that flow through my body and some will see the angels who have come forward to work with me.   I always sense and know when the angels are present and sometimes they identify themselves but even that isn’t important.  For they have explained to me, they are all of the one energy source, one consciousness and it wouldn’t matter who was working with me, the outcome will always be the same.  For they know what you need and will come forward to provide.  I am given words of wisdom and understandings from the divinity to share with you. They show me pictures and visions to help you understand your life experiences and to help you find the right path.  Sometimes we will work together utilising visualisation techniques to enhance the power of the healing energy and strengthen your own faith and beliefs.  You may be able to see and hear them as they work with you to cleanse your bodies – mind, emotional, physical & etheric.  During these energy healing sessions Arch Angel Michael will be present to clear negative energy and any negative entities.  Jesus and Arch Angel Raphael and many others have been present to channel the healing energy during my sessions.

It is important to remember man is born of free will and you can choose to receive or block their loving energy.  It is therefore important I work with you to clear your fears and open you up to the light of love.

My energy healing can include any of the following techniques or tools:

  • Chakra Clearing
  • Aura & Medical Intuitive Readings
  • Negative Emotional & Entity Release
  • Chrystal & Colour Healings
  • Visualisation Techniques
  • Breathing Work