Catherine May Smith
Abundance Life Coach
Dip. Financial Planning

A process opening Yourself up to Receive Abundance in every Aspect of your Life.

Soul Abundance is a Life Coaching Service based in Rockingham, Western Australia. Abundance Life Coach and former Certified Financial Planner, now an Inspiring Motivational Speaker, Neuro Linguistic Programmer, hypnotherapist and Intuitive Insightful Communicator, Catherine May Smith helps you explore the personal belief systems limiting your hopes, dreams and heart’s desires from becoming a reality.

Online Services:, FaceTime or Skype

Energy Exchange: $120.00 hourly rate. 

Half day and full day sessions available.


Abundance Coaching Session

What is Life Coaching?

Life  Coaching is a supported journey, assisting you on your path to achieving a sense of completeness, personal

“Caring & Safe Environment”

empowerment, internal peace and wellbeing. Your life may seem complex and confusing. Life Coaching will clear your concerns and fears, providing you with clarity and a sense of direction and purpose. Coaching will assist you in overcoming the obstacles that prevent you from feeling happy and free to live a loving, fulfilling and rewarding lifestyle.

What is Abundance Life Coaching?

Belief systems created from our life experiences are not all positive,  Abundance Life Coaching will assist you in identifying the negative thoughts blocking your progress.

When your reality is not reflecting your heart’s desires and dreams, it takes faith to stay focused on what you truly wish from life. Learning the Universal Law of Attraction doesn’t mean your life is automatically going to be as you have asked. You must learn to master the Attraction Principles.

Trust & Believe in your Inner Soul

Abundance Life Coaching takes you to this new and more powerful level.  Abundance Life Coaching teaches you the power of visualisation – dreaming and feeling what you want and knowing that it will be yours.

You will learn to hear, trust and believe in your inner soul, and find your soul purpose.

Abundance Life Coaching can include Neuro Linguistic Programming, Hypnotherapy, Time Line Therapy, Meditation, Spiritual Teaching and Intuitive Development. Catherine will include these methods when guided to do so.


Coaching Discounted packages

 Abundance Life Coaching helps you to:

  • Live life to the fullest and experience peace and harmony consistently.
  • Strengthen your personal integrity.
  • Raise your energy levels, commencing your healing process.
  • Set valued based life goals.
  • Recognise feared based emotions and release them.
  • Achieve goals with less effort and with ease and grace.
  • Create an abundance of love, friendships, financial wealth and success.
  • Enjoy a sense of detachment and freedom.
  • Learn the art of relaxation and watch the positive results.
  • Feel more confident about all outcomes of life.
  • Become accepting of your life experiences and see the positive purpose of every event.
  • Become proactive to life’s circumstances, achieving personal empowerment & positive, loving life force.
  • Allow yourself full permission to be and say what you want with love and understanding and watch your finances and relationships flourish.
  • Simplify and take control of your life.

“Change your life” Course

Click here – “Change your Life” Course to find out more about how to heal and empower your mind.


Catherine has successfully completed an Advanced Diploma in Financial Planning, Associate Diploma in Accounting, as well as being a Master Practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). Catherine is an Energy Healer, obtaining Certificates in Reiki & Pranic Healing, Hypnotherapy and Time Line Therapy and has also completed an Angel Intuitive Communication Certification with World renowned Author Master and Teacher Doreen Virtue Ph.D.  She has had various articles published  in the Nova Magazine.